The Best Mass Gainer Supplements In The UK - The Ultimate Showdown!

The Best UK Mass Gainers: The Ultimate Showdown

Summer has come and gone, and many lads all over the country have returned from booze-infused Magaluf holidays (hashtag Chundergeddon) with the abs they worked so hard for (for a maximum of three weeks prior) now coated in full-board hotel breakfast ham feasts, not to be seen again (until next year’s Ibiza fanny extravaganza).

So what better time than now to pack on some mass in the run up to the festive period, ending with a full-on calorie meltdown and possible stroke on Christmas day.

You’ve probably considered using a mass gainer supplement to help you on your journey to looking like Bane, but with a wealth of choices out there, how do you pick the right one?

Well, you read the rest of this guide, which, following on from our protein bar showdown, focuses specifically on the best mass gainers on the UK market.

Let’s find out who takes the crown…

Pro tip: during bulking, when people ask why you’re getting fat, say it’s for “insulation in the colder months”, and justify your beer belly by saying “I feel comfortable in my body and don’t need to conform to society’s unattainable standards of male beauty”.

1) Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

serious mass



It’s in the name really: serious.

This product aims to be the most serious mass gainer out there, from sheer calories to added essential vitamins and minerals, Optimum Nutrition’s Serious Mass is the full package.

Vital stats

Retail price  £34.99 for 2.7kg (8 servings)
Serving size 2 scoops at 334 grams
Calories 1,250kcal
Protein 50g
Carbs (of which sugar) 250g (21g)
Fat (of which saturates) 5g (2g)

The good

This is the only mass gainer on the market that seems to take into account overall health as well as gains, as it has a seriously impressive essential vitamin and mineral profile.

Not only that, but Optimum Nutrition have somehow managed to fit 250 grams of carbs into the shake by using only 21 grams of sugar, which is quite frankly amazing.

It’s also just an incredible amount of sheer calories.

I made this on many occasions using one whole serving mixed in a blender with 700ml of milk, totaling a ridiculous 1,610 calories!

This will obviously fill you up, but it’s actually surprisingly drinkable and tastes great, and you’ll be OK to eat about 1.5 hours later, depending on how much of a beast you are (I am approximately 83% beast).

The bad

There’s only one thing wrong with Serious Mass really, and that’s the fact that it just doesn’t mix well at all, which is something we flagged up in a previous Serious Mass review.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely fine when using a blender, but that kind of defeats the object of supplements being convenient if you have to use a blender.

It’s not like I could drink this right after a workout unless I was at home straight after, which I never am.

Best for

Extreme calories and health benefits.


Optimum Nutrition have somehow managed to fit a massive amount of calories including 250 grams of carbs into the shake, yet only 21 grams of sugar, which is quite frankly amazing.


You can buy Serious Mass here from the official Optimum Nutrition website.

However, you can usually find it much cheaper via some other online vendors: (and even cheaper with a MuscleFood discount code)

2) Multipower Mass Gainer

Multipower Mass GainerWebsite


As I said in a review of their whey protein, Multipower have seriously stepped up their efforts recently and are now creating products that don’t resemble drinkable carpet flavoured cement anymore, and their new mass gainer is no exception.

Vital stats

Retail price £84.99 for 5.4kg (22 servings)
Serving size 6 scoops at 260 grams
Calories 1,043kcal
Protein 52g
Carbs (of which sugar) 177g (68g)
Fat (of which saturates) 13g (11g)

The good

The main takeaway here is that Multipower Mass Gainer mixes really, really damn well.

It’s six small scoops, but I managed to mix it perfectly using just a shaker and 450ml of water, making it the perfect post-workout dose of calories.

The shake is also surprisingly easy on the stomach too, with no real bloating at all, and the taste is very pleasant.

The bad

Multipower Mass Gainer is expensive at roughly £60-80 for 5kg depending on where you get it from.

Also, 68 grams of sugar is a hell of a lot for one serving, a common theme among most mass gainers, although if you are a true ‘hardgainer’, the sugar will do you well post workout.

It’s a shame really, as the product is basically perfect apart from the sugar content, particularly in drinkability and mixability.

Best for

Instant mixability.


Multipower Mass Gainer mixes really well even in a shaker cup, and being easy on the stomach yet high in calories it is the perfect post-workout shake for building size.


Buy Multipower Mass Gainer here from the official Multipower website.

You can also sometimes find it here at Amazon for cheaper than the recommended retail price.

3) Mutant Mass

mutant mass



Probably the most well known mass gainer on the market, Mutant Mass really looks the part and comes in gargantuan 6.8kg bags.

The company only used to produce Mutant Mass and nothing else, so you know they started off by getting the formula right before moving on to other products.

Vital stats

Retail price £52.49 for 6.8kg (26 servings)
Serving size 4 scoops at 260 grams
Calories 1,060kcal
Protein 52g
Carbs (of which sugar) 182g (38g)
Fat (of which saturates) 14g (8g)

The good

Out of all these mass gainers I tried, I can say that Mutant Mass was the one that seemed most obviously to ‘work’, which is something Henry also found in our previous Mutant Mass review.

I felt good on it, my recovery times were lower, and I added 1.5kg of bodyweight within three weeks, not to mention about another 10kg average to the bar on compound lifts.

Mutant Mass also tastes great and mixes well even with a full serving in a normal shaker cup.

It will fill you up if you’re not used to consuming this many calories at once.

The bad

The feeling of being ‘full’ lasts for a little longer than other mass gainers in this guide, which may be a problem for some, and there’s one other critical factor with Mutant Mass that has to be added to the negative list…

The farts.

Mass gainers are notorious for making you bloated in general, but Mutant Mass seems to be the worst for this.

I have now come to the conclusion that you pretty much shouldn’t take it when you know you have a social event to attend a few hours later, as it’s highly likely that you’ll feel the need to expel as much gas as a Texas cattle ranch on a hot day.

Best for

Performance and all-round gains.


Mutant Mass tastes great and my progress while taking it was through the roof, not just in size but weight on the bar too.


You can buy Mutant Mass here at the official Mutant website.

However, you can usually get it cheaper from the following online vendors:

Pro tip: when questioned by co-workers on your quite frankly excessive nutrient consumption, justify it by saying things like “Do I look like I play fucking tennis, Kevin?” or “Due to the recent rise in veganism in urban middle class areas, I must balance out protein intake for the sake of humanity and the future of our food chain.”

4) The Protein Works Total Mass Matrix Extreme

the protein works total mass matrix extreme



Total Mass Matrix Extreme is the ‘extreme’ version of The Protein Works’ regular mass gainer, extreme in that it’s a shit load more calories per serving.

It also contains plenty of glutamine, MCTs, several forms of creatine and B vitamins.

Vital stats

Retail price £32.99 for 2.12kg (8 servings)
Serving size 5 scoops at 265 grams
Calories 1,019kcal
Protein 65g
Carbs (of which sugar) 158g (57g)
Fat (of which saturates) 12g (8g)

The good

Out of the bunch, Total Mass Matrix Extreme stands out for taste, being exceptionally sweet and tasty (strawberry flavour), and it also mixes pretty damn well considering the huge amount of powder.

Upon delivery it’s funny to see ‘8 servings’ on a huge 2.5kg bag, and there’s no mistaking this is a product aimed directly at ectomorph ‘hardgainers’.

There’s also a hefty 65 grams of protein per serving, which makes it perfect for packing on muscle.

The bad

Nearly a third of the carbohydrates in this product come from sugar, which is a hell of a lot, totaling 57 grams per serving.

To put that in perspective, that’s more sugar than in 100 grams of Haribo Starmix, although you obviously get plenty of protein too.

My point being, if you are the sort of person who puts on body fat easily, this product probably isn’t for you.

Best for

Great taste.


Containing 65 grams of protein per serving and a hefty amount of calories, Total Mass Matrix Extreme is the classic hardgainers product.


Purchase Total Mass Matrix Extreme by shopping here at The Protein Works website.

Make it even cheaper by using one of our exclusive The Protein Works discount codes.

5) Bulk Powders Informed Mass

bulk powders informed massWebsite


Informed Mass goes for a smaller (and perhaps more realistic) serving size compared to the previous products in this roundup at only 150 grams.

This makes it more suited to those who are new to mass gainers or with a smaller appetite.

Vital stats

Retail price £34.99 for 3kg (20 servings)
Serving size 5 scoops at 150 grams
Calories 566kcal
Protein 45g
Carbs (of which sugar) 74g (2.9g)
Fat (of which saturates) 10g (2.1g)

The good

It’s quite obvious that Bulk Powders have gone for quality here, and it really does show when looking at the carbs.

There’s only 2.9 grams of sugar per serving, which is pretty much unheard of for a mass gainer.

Not only that but there’s added HMB, digestive enzymes, creatine and Leucine to make sure you’re digesting the most you can and contributing to muscle gain right away.

It’s also a really decent amount of calories considering it’s so easy to drink due to the smaller serving size.

The bad

Looking at the ingredients and macronutrient profile of Informed Mass, this should be the best product on this list.

And it comes really close, but falls just short due to the feeling it gives me when I drink it.

It’s a little like having a head rush from standing up too quickly, but rather than lasting 20 seconds it lasts 20 minutes.

I’m not the only one trippin’ from this either, as I know a mate has recently had exactly the same feeling from it yet we both have no idea why.

Other than that, this product is essentially perfect.

Best for

High quality ingredients and ridiculously low sugar content.


With only 2.9 grams of sugar per serving as well as added leucine and HMB, you can be sure Informed Mass contributes to muscle gains right away.


You can order Informed Mass by shopping here at the Bulk Powders website.

Don’t forget to use a Bulk Powders discount code to make your shop even cheaper

6) Go Nutrition Pure Mass

Go Nutrition Pure Mass



Offering a smaller serving size at 115 grams, Go Nutrition Pure Mass is aimed at the everyday user of mass gainers.

It has a lower calorie count than most other products, so if you’re the type that gets full up quickly, this may be for you.

Vital stats

Retail price £32.99 for 2.5kg (20 servings)
Serving size 3 scoops at 115 grams
Calories 452kcal
Protein 44.6g
Carbs (of which sugar) 49.3g (31.4g)
Fat (of which saturates) 8.6g (5.1g)

The good

Pure Mass by Go Nutrition is one of the smaller serving sizes on the list and therefore the easiest to drink and it probably won’t fill you up unless you’re a teenage girl or a vegan.

Considering the small serving size, there is a decent amount of protein in this product at 44 grams.

The bad

I’m not impressed by Go Nutrition’s mass gainer offering at all.

From the really high amount of sugar per serving to the bland taste and sandy texture, it just seems like Go Nutrition put no real effort into making this a great product that people will want to use regularly, and it’s not even particularly that great value.

Best for

Those with small appetites.


Considering the easily drinkable serving size of Pure Mass, it contains a great amount of protein that doesn’t fill you up like traditional mass gainers.


You can order Pure Mass by shopping here at the Go Nutrition website.

And you can save even more money by using one of our Go Nutrition discount codes.

7) Myprotein Hard Gainer Extreme

myprotein hardgainer extreme



As with most of their products, Myprotein have gone for the value and simplicity option here, with a mass gainer that isn’t as intimidating as the rest of the bunch with a small serving size of 100 grams.

That hasn’t stopped them adding a great macronutrient profile though, and I’m pretty impressed by its performance.

Vital stats

Retail price £24.99 for 2.5kg (25 servings)
Serving size 3 scoops at 100 grams
Calories 401kcal
Protein 36g
Carbs (of which sugar) 49g (10g)
Fat (of which saturates) 6g (1g)

The good

Based on the banana and chocolate mint flavours, Myprotein Hard Gainer Extreme is really easy to drink and tastes great.

It’s a small serving size so won’t fill you up and is basically suited to those who want something in-between meals without the sheer calories of a bigger mass gainer.

It’s an all round great product and due to its simple ingredients list and no added extras, the value is incredible and I’d highly recommend this product as a first mass gainer.

The bad

If you’re looking for a truly colossal amount of calories, this isn’t the product for you.

I’m a true ectomorph, and simply need something I know is going to add at least 1000 calories to my post workout nutrition, and trying to do this with Hard Gainer Extreme just doesn’t work for me.

Best for

Unbeatable price and those new to mass gainers.


This product is really easy to drink and tastes great.

It’s perfect for in-between meals for adding plenty of extra calories without filling you up too much.


You can order Hard Gainer Extreme by shopping here at the Myprotein website.

Don’t forget to use a Myprotein discount code to make your shop even cheaper.

And the winner is…

So who takes the crown?

The award for best mass gainer in the UK was a hard choice, and I’ll start by saying that the runners up are Optimum Nutrition’s Serious Mass and Multipower’s Mass Gainer.

Both are incredible products, but let down just enough by mixability (Serious Mass) and sugar content (Multipower).

But the winner is…

Mutant Mass!

Yes, it makes you slightly gassy in general, but the combination of incredible taste, solid results in performance and progress as well as a great price makes Mutant Mass the best option available for the bulking season and the all-round best mass gainer on the UK market.

Get in touch

If you think there’s a mass gainer we’ve missed off the list, then give us a shout!

We want this article to become the best resource for those looking to purchase mass gainers in the UK, so if you think yours stacks up against the competition, or you have an opinion about one of these gainers on the list, then we want to know!

Just get in touch via the comments section below or hit us up on Twitter or email.

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  1. Go Nutrition products always taste shit, I know they’re cheap but so are MyProtein and TPW.

    This one is no exception, over obsession with being the cheapest.

    1. I’ve always found that any protein that tastes awful can be completely changed by adding milk.

      This will increase your simple high GI carbs and add that extra protein.

      Use skimmed milk though, no need for fat post-workout of course.

  2. I have tried all of the mass gainers currently listed and the only one which made me FAT was Mutant Mass.

    The peanut butter flavour is unbelievable in flavour, it tastes like they’ve just got lots of snickers and blended them up.

    Great review of them all, but if looking for more of a clean bulk, I wouldn’t personally recommend it.

    ON’s Pro Complex Gainer was the best I have tried and offered excellent nutritional values.

  3. On Serious Mass and Pro Gainer are best mass gainer supplements available in the market for lean mass gain.

  4. It is really hard to find the right bodybuilding supplements even though there are so many great ones out there in the market, I think it would be the best to find the someone’s review of a product.

    And thanks for sharing the great information and please keep up your hard work thanks!

  5. Good list, I know a lot of them by using them or friend reviews, I would say the best ones are ON Serious Mass and BSN True Mass.

  6. TOTAL MASS MATRIX doesn’t have as much sugar as you claim it to be.

    Total faux!

  7. Hi there, one that I have personally used and got really great results from in the past, and I think deserves a spot on your list is SCI MX Hardcore Extreme.

    It may be a little on the expensive side, but the results when taken properly are undeniable.

    One of the best supplements I have tried to date, and I’ve been using it from the very first versions.

  8. Great list!