Recently I was invited to an event at the GSK Human Performance Labs where we were taken on a tour of the labs and shown the kind of work they do.
A lot of this work involves testing athletic performance in relation to nutrition, and GSK also prod [...]
Maximuscle have recently rebranded themselves as MaxiNutrition, in what I can see as an attempt at making their products more appealing to a wider audience.
This is something which a lot of nutrition companies are doing at the moment.
And, in this [...]
Ahhh MaxiNutrition.
Your favourite jumper, your 2am girl, that unnervingly over-affectionate uncle you're not actually related to.
(The last point is obviously not a comparison.)
Mr Reliable, MaxiNutrition, have been at the vanguard of the U [...]
Let's face it, cutting can be a pain in the arse.
When done properly, it requires discipline, hard work, and meals so banal even Levi Roots' special sauce couldn't spice them up (I'm referring here, or course, to Reggae Reggae, not Jamaican man juic [...]
Maximuscle Cyclone is a brand so synonymous with muscle and strength it has to be up there with other respective market leaders like Apple, Nike and Walkers Crisps.
Let me put it another way: if Maximuscle Cyclone was heroin, it would be endorsed by [...]