Greg Vincent, Author at Gymtalk

Author - Greg Vincent

Gym Humour

The GymTalk Guide To The 2016 Rio Olympics
Finally summer can begin. With Euro 2016 finished, Europe's richest racists and rapists can fuck off back to their gated mansions decked out in "tasteless twat" by Rocha John Rocha. Yes, now the actual greatest sporting event on earth can begin - t [...]

Gym Humour

The Best And Worst Sports For Physique Development
Let’s be honest, no matter what we tell ourselves or others, it’s all lies... “I’m doing this to keep fit.” “This’ll keep my cholesterol down.” “This gym has unisex changing rooms.” While we might all have great intent [...]

Workout Reviews

Ed Coan’s 10 Week Deadlift Routine Review
Deadlift. One of God's finest creations - the ultimate test of strength, static power and badassery. An exercise that even your average gym newb can safely attempt and reap generous gains rather than wasting their time on pointless machine exer [...]


Reviewing The NHS Diet – The Nutritional Equivalent Of A Wet Fart
I was in my local pharmacy this weekend buying lollipops fashioned into whistles when my gaze fell upon a brightly coloured, food-addled leaflet promoting healthy eating. Since it was the new year and I'd spent the last 10 days feasting and drinki [...]


Gymtalk Review Of The Year 2015
Now, as you may have noticed, we at Gymtalk are big fans of a review. From supplements to workouts, diets to bodybuilding equipment, if someone's hawking it, we'll objectively (unless cash for stars is offered) review it. So, as the end of 201 [...]

Gym Humour

The Biggest Bastards Of The 2015 Rugby World Cup
At Gymtalk Towers we really enjoyed the 2015 Rugby World Cup. From mirin' the hamstrings, to applauding the big hits, to witnessing the courageous efforts of the smaller nations, it was a great tournament. Now, at this juncture, I was rather h [...]

MuscleFood reviews

Review: MuscleFood Protein Balls, Wafers & Prutella Spread
Having spent the summer in the south of France eating baguettes, drinking wine, taking a two hour lunch, not cancelling my signal after changing lanes, working 37.5 hours a week, not wearing a veil, driving a shit French car, striking regularly, drin [...]

Gym Humour

Political Figures In The Gym
Never has the world been more politically charged; mass migration, nuclear armament and Donald Trump. But how do these political collosi shape up in the gym? Who's the strongest? Who's got the most progressive training methods? And who's [...]

Gym Humour

Historical Figures Who Didn’t Need To Lift
With the world currently being played out exclusively on social media, it's now impossible to prove yourself as a man without twenty inch biceps, a garish vest and paleo meals that look as unappetising as an invite to Michael Barrymore's next pool pa [...]


Gains Like A King: 4 Delicious, Alternative Protein Meals
Easter weekend - four days off to celebrate Cadbury's resurrecting Jesus. Having just blown my load on a holiday at the end of April, a short break away was out of the question. So how to spend my time... why, with my good friends at MuscleFood [...]

Gym Humour

Mass Around The World
Pepsi, McDonalds, Viagra. Established brands that can be found almost anywhere in the world, strong global companies. But is there still room for small, lesser-spotted companies to exploit the global market? Will Gymtalk ever be mentioned in [...]

The Protein Works Reviews

The Protein Works Naked Protein Popcorn Review
There is a battle raging. In the shadows, in the darkness, right under humanity's nose. It is a bitter war fought between supplement companies as they try to turn the most mundane of everyday snacks into protein-enriched gains tools. The l [...]

The Protein Works Reviews

The Protein Works Protein Flapjack Luxe Bars Review
Like 'Gary Glitter' - 'innocent', 'Ed Miliband' - 'win', 'female comedian' - 'funny', 'protein supplement' and 'luxury' are words that are rarely associated. However, when a flash sale popped up on my Facebook feed from The Protein Works for a lux [...]

Workout Reviews

Rich Piana 8 Hour Arm Workout – Add An Inch To Your Arms In 24 Hours
As an early 20s male, my single gym quest in life was the zenith of bigger arms. I (and I assume most others my age) set out on an insatiable crusade to get a slightly bigger bicep peak enabling me to down pints while balancing the glass between my [...]

The Protein Works Reviews

TPW Protein Snackers Review
Crisps (as these will henceforth be referred to for SEO purposes). Alongside the dog, low quality lesbian porn, and YouTube videos about how to properly bleed a radiator, they truly are a man's best friend. The perfect accompaniment to sandwiches, [...]

Gym Humour

The Gymtalk Guide To Christmas: How To Maintain Muscle Over The Festive Period
Let's be honest, amidst the killing fields of Tesco Oldham on Black Friday, repetitive music sung by future Yewtree candidates, and forced family events, Christmas can be a bit... shit. Combine that with the fact that most gyms will have reduced [...]

The Protein Works Reviews

The Protein Works Whey Protein 80 SF+ Review
There are many things containing soy that I dislike: Soy milk, Soy sauce, the Spanish, Soy Chubby Brown. So when The Protein Works released one of their regular Facebook communiques informing me that they were releasing a soy free whey protein [...]

Workout Tips

3 Exercises For Breaking Powerlifting PRs
I've listened to enough of Chad Wesley Smith's Strong360 podcasts to appreciate that the best way to improve one's competition powerlifting PRs is to simply focus on those lifts in training. But when you're really maxing out on squat and getting [...]

Go Nutrition Reviews

Go Nutrition Whey & Oat Crisp Protein Flapjacks Review
Anyone who's followed Gymtalk from humble inception will know that we're still looking out for the perfect protein flapjack. This is hardly the race to stop Ebola spreading through Africa or 1970s BBC TV and radio personalities trying to wipe the [...]

Gym Humour

Welcome To The Gyms Of My Life
Much like "the times" in a Bob Dylan song, Neo's answer phone message, or Michael Jackson's skin colour, changing gyms is a natural part of our lifting lives. Things change - finances, working patterns, geo-displacement (I've made that word up). [...]

Gym Humour

Top 5 Pointless Bodybuilding Exercises For Beginners
There are many reasons why people will make the salient decision to start lifting weights. Maybe you still have to shop at Gap Kids? Maybe you're struggling to carry a full basket of shopping around Sainsbury's? Or maybe Pablo the ripped lif [...]

Go Nutrition Reviews

Go Nutrition Muscle Bar Review
Ahhhhh, the protein bar. Surely God himself would've been in charge of this fine creation. If not him then maybe one of his high-level elves that oversaw the human eye, dinosaurs, or Kelly Brook's rump. Or, if you're not into such things, in [...]

Go Nutrition Reviews

Go Nutrition Protein Pancake Mix ‘One Shot’ Review
Pancakes. Associated with American diners, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson memes and the death of Jesus (or something to do with the Bible anyway). But protein? Not so much. However, those culinary boffins at Go Nutrition, no doubt locked in a [...]

Go Nutrition Reviews

Go Nutrition Whey Protein Ice Cream Mix Review
So, it's summer (unless you live in Scotland in which case it's always grim) and bodybuilders up and down the country are looking for any excuse to show the world the sum of their hard work in the gym. And, as always, there's the perennial dilemma [...]